Muffin Hunters!


Current News

Cruising into the Coliseum (08-05-09) -

The time of 3.2 has arrived! We're absolutely going to finish Ulduar, but we had to check out the Crusader's Coliseum as well. Those two Jormungar were a little hiccup (them's the breaks when you have a main tank who's deathly afraid of worms, afterall) but Gormok and Icehowl? Total pushovers.

Then it was off to Ulduar for some Orbital Bombardment love. That turned out to be pretty easy, too, so it's two towers for us next week!

Muffin Hunters Climb the Charts! (07-21-09) -

In case you're not following along out there in TV land, the latest news on the Muffin Hunters team is that we're all the way up to learning about Yogg-Saron. It's hard and it's complicated, but we're making progress. That Sara chick? She didn't fool us for a minute.

Meanwhile, we're also gathering lots of achievements on our way, including "Disarmed" for our first meta-achievement requirement. Number 7 10-man guild on the server, and we still haven't gone back for all of those easy Sarth and Naxx ones we skipped over. That's pretty good, right?

Pretty soon we'll go back to 8-man Naxxramas and add a good 35 (or maybe more) points to our GuildOx score. As of today that would be enough to bump us up to #4. That's pretty good too, right?

Vezax Is Down! (07-17-09) -

Well, he certainly wasn't the cakewalk that much of the rest of Ulduar has been for us, but General Vezax is defeated and we have trekked to the end of the Descent of Madness. These last three fights -- Mimiron, Vezax, and now the Yogg himself -- have proven to be quite a challenge to figure out, but we remain firm in our determination not to look up strategies. It's a puzzle to figure out, but it's so rewarding in the end.

More Yogg love coming up on Monday!

The Keepers are Saved! (07-07-09) -

Grats to all the Muffin Hunters who put in some extra time this evening to finish kicking Mimiron's ass! It was a tough fight, but we pulled it together and had a great kill with no deaths. This should move us up into the top ten 10-man guilds on the server. Awesome work, Muffins!

We're number six! (addendum) (06-29-09) -

Yeah, the title of the update? That's because according to GuildOx we're now the 6th most progressed alliance 10-man guild on the server. Not too shabby for a team what's only been at it a couple months and who skipped working on Naxx and Malygos and Sarth achievements to jump straight into Ulduar, hey?

We're number six! We're number six! (06-29-09) -

The Muffins are plowing right through Ulduar! Operation Fight the Yogg is is full swing and we're not wasting any time. This week saw us beat the crap out of Hodir and Thorim, as well as a sweet string of one-shots of everyone else up to Freya. We also got to ride the Mimiron train and watched our leet raid leader, Cables, solo phase 2 for a bit, much to everyone's delight.

Won't be long now before little Yoggy is crying for mercy!

Raid Team Progress Update (06-14-09) -

We are entering week number six of the existence of our raid team, and I have to say for only 11 raids we're making incredible progress. A quick recap of what we've accomplished so far:

• Cut our Naxx clear time to under 3 hours.

• Obtained several hardmode Naxx achievements, including Just Can't Get Enough, Arachnophobia, and The Hundred Club.

• Downed all Ulduar bosses through the Antechamber, including one-shotting Razorscale and XT-002 Deconstructor without knowing strats in advance.

• Earned a server first achievement for Rubble and Roll on Kologarn.

We'll be making our fourth foray into Ulduar this week and I foresee at least two new bosses down. My guess was low last week; let's see what happens this time!

Raid Team is Go! (06-14-09) -

The Muffin Hunters Raid Team is up and running, and boy are we having fun! We have formed a dedicated 10-man team focused on getting through hardmode achievements in time for that sexy drake mount and downing Algalon. Not only that, but we're crazy folks who thoroughly enjoy figuring out fights on our own rather than reading strats, so we're going into Ulduar blind, as it were. We'll also be working on hardmode achievements in other dungeons, but as we've gotten a late start and that drake won't keep forever, Ulduar is our main focus. Stay tuned for updates and feel free to hop over to the forums and find out more about us if you like what you see!

Believe me, we are still alive... (10-06-08) -

...and doing some science regarding the awesomeness of a run that includes all the new Muffin Hunters. Turns out the experiment was a great success! Many thanks go out to Saent and Spaulding, our ringers for the final spots in last weekend's Karazhan raid. It went off quite well, and we even got a Nightbane kill in there! Here's to some activity on our site and forums once again, and some exciting new stuff coming up for the Muffins in Wottelock!

Phat gratz! (08-16-06) -

Grats to esteemed Muffin Hunter Abulard for his complete set of Virtuous Garb! Valthalak was a hoot. As always, thanks to everyone who came along!

New web site! (06-25-06) -

Welcome to! This is our new home, and it should be permanent. Please all update your bookmarks and everything to point here instead of the old site. :-)

Words, words, words, I'm sick of all these words! (06-24-06) -

We have a full-time Ventrilo server set up now, so Muffin Hunters can talk to one another while doing instances and whatnot! As if my annoying typing weren't enough, now you can hear my voice saying "ZOMG GERMAINE I WAS DRINKING WHY DID YOU PULL THOSE MOBS NUB."

We're still testing it out, but feel free to pound on it. Details are in this forum thread.

The orcs have fiery hats... (06-24-06) -

... and we got them. Grats to the Super Muffin Ninja Squad for successful infiltration of Undercity, Thunder Bluff, and Orgrimmar on their ceaseless quest for muffins, things that remind them of muffins, and perhaps headwear that looks good worn with a tabard what has a muffin on it. I'm sure the full chronicle will come out on the forums sooner or later if you're interested. ;-)

The trolls have muffins... (06-24-06) -

...and we want them. We're trying to set up a ZG run with our buddies over at Unseen University. If you're interested in coming, hit up this forum thread for more info.

Don't have a forum account? Register one at the forum ASAP so you don't miss out on any events.

Also, Muffin! (05-23-06) -

Made a new banner for the articles that's way smaller than the one on this page. I like the big one for the front page, but it seems needlessly space-consuming for article headers.

Work resumes; rules done! (05-23-06) -

Sorry for the extended lack of activity hereabouts; needed a break, I guess. But we're getting back into the swing of things, and preparing to make this guild TEH BETS. As such, the Official Rules have been written, and are available exactly where you'd expect. More work forthcoming.

Go time? Aiight... (04-09-06) -

Well, for better or worse, looks like we're live. Sorry about the bare-bones functionality on the site, guests, I'm still working on it. Try not to break anything too hard. ;-)

Development Update 2 (04-07-06) -

Application and Guild Principles pages are up. Also, I've altered the main Muffin Hunters logo to make the text bigger. More to come!

Development Update (04-06-06) -

The site is operational at this point, though it's not yet ready to be made public. The forums are up and working, but there's a lot more work to be done yet. Excelsior!

Muffin Hunters

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